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8/2/16 board meeting

Presiding Officer - Jeff Monks

Minutes recorded - Shannon Posern

Members Present - Jim Willmann, Lori Dobbin, Carol Limaye, Bill Cason and Randy Thompson

  • Website - Sharon is not getting the information. Would like the updates for the website.
  • TSBVI - Maintenance Plan
    • Updating the language about the compost.
    • Site coordinators will do a monthly work day.
  • Minutes - Executive session for gardening disputes.
    • Jeff MOTION to accept June Board Meeting minutes. 2nd Randy. PASSED
  • Withdraw Confirmation Process -
    • Gardeners need to submit a withdraw form for a refund.
    • Carol Motion to Amend the Voluntary withdraw policy to require 3 days to reply to an official notice after we hear someone has withdrawn without turning in the withdraw form. Jim second. PASSED
  • Pergola safety -
    • Post have rotted and need to be replaced.
    • Gardeners or hire someone to replace? Robert and Jay made the shade structure in the TSBVI garden.
    • $1,400 available for repairs.
  • Compost Peddlers -Agreement needs to be redone. Compost Peddlers requested 100 pounds of compost per month. We don't measure in pounds. Short term, find how much they need in gallons. Shed for compost big is off the table.
  • Compost - We need a volunteer to pick up compostable materials at 6 am on Thursdays from Whole Foods.
  • Questionpro software Weekly Weeder - Polly wants to try to include surveys on the weekly weeder.
  • Financial Report -
    • Water bill for July might be higher than budgeted. Could take from the special project budget to cover.
      • Jeff requested that we add a summary of water usage in the weeder.
    • Collections - 54 people owed for unworked hours. Most have not paid.
      • Discussion about possible rule revision adding a penalty for late payments.
    • Waivers - We need to have concrete guidelines on how and when to grant waivers.
  • Noncompliance - All gardeners that are still out of compliance after receiving letter. Those that did not do anything will be out.
  • Executive Session
  • Plot Coordinator Report
    • As of August 1, there are 70 people on the waiting list. At least four are current gardeners who either want to move up to a full plot or move to a different part of the garden. To the best of my knowledge, there are two vacant plots, one half plot in zone 4 and one full plot in zone 5.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.