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Board meeting - November 12, 2013

Location: residence of Michael Hall

Board members in attendance:

  • President Ila Falvey
  • VP Janet Adams
  • Secretary Berkley Bettis

  • Directors:
  • Michael Hall
  • Emily Tisinger
  • Kay MacMurray

  • Absent:
  • Treas. Jack Reynolds

The president called the meeting to order at 6:15 PM. On motion of Adams, seconded by Hall, the minutes of the previous meeting were approved. They are to be sent to Sharon for publication on the webpage.

Hall will arrange for a 3 x 3 sign for the gate, to cost $55. The sign will show Sunshine Community Garden's affiliation with Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, matching the design of TSBVI's receiving sign.

Ordering for the plant sale from BMI. Hall needs eight boxes of 4 inch pots and plant stakes/labels. Ila has a debit card if anyone needs it. Jack also has one.

The tent was ordered, port a potty purchased with delivery on Friday. Compost will be purchased from the Natural Gardener, which had the best product last year. Michael will get 36 yd.³ from them.

Our compost area was discussed. Janet stated that the "Thick Plant Pile" has a lot non compost material under the material on top. She wants to have a workday to remove the top material by hand. Jay needs to be consulted to determine whether this is the best way to uncover the compost. Steve will be the spokesman for SCG on the subject of compost. There needs to be a notice in the Weeder asking for a volunteer to be in charge of compost. We should be getting more leaves and chips - Ila may need to contact landscapers.

A potluck dinner welcoming new gardeners is scheduled for December 8 in connection with the all gardeners meeting - announcements need to go out.

Working with Nicole (TSBVI staff member) to assist with their program was discussed. We will wait for specifics of how we can help.

The tractor shed roof needs repair. The garden port and hoop house doors need repair. Michael will locate a carpenter and report on the needed repairs.

Scott Morris will be asked to track legislative happenings and report to the Board.

We need to replace the poles for the birdhouses.

The site rules committee is not starting fresh, but will be considering the 2012 proposed changes.

The former girls school plot by the chicken coop may be too shady to be used.

There is a slow water leak of 600 gallons per day that Stewart cannot find. Ila will continue to work with Stewart.

Jay will put the wire around the tool house bottom - there are four volunteers willing to help.

There was no report on the status of the audit or PayPal because Treas. Reynolds was absent.

Emily gave a report on work days.

Kay will ask Scott to install the water line for the new quarter plots.

There have been no new sightings or recent damage from rabbits. The issue of cats for the garden was tabled.

People who go away in the summer should be encouraged to notify Micah 6 regarding picking rights. We should post in the Weeder requesting gardeners who are going to be absent to contact their zone coordinators.

The next board meeting will be December 10 at Michael Hall's house. Kay moved for adjournment, Janet seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30Pm.

Garden Thoughts



Board Meetings

Second Tuesday of every month.